Consulting to the Global Pharmaceutical Industry


Sabine Kusters

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As an experienced communication trainer with a background in biotechology and pharmaceuticals, Sabine is a passionate advocate of Single Patient Focus®. 

She has more than 12 years of experience in international product management, sales and business development at US-based biotechnology companies and holds a doctoral degree in Biology from the Konstanz University. In 2011 Sabine set up her own training and coaching consultancy and has supported her clients with topics such as sales, leadership, conflict management and negotiation.

She has worked extensively with clients in Germany, the UK, France, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic countries.

Sabine’s mission is to enable individuals and organizations to become and stay competitive. It is Sabine’s vision to facilitate the evolution of a trusting, mindful and appreciative culture through positive communication.

Sabine lives in Germany.